Cara membuat Apple ID US, Indonesia, dan Jepang secara Gratis
Jika kamu ingin membuat Apple ID baru, silahkan ikuti langkah pada artikel berikut : KLIK DI SINI
Kebijakan dalam iTunes dan layanan Apple mengenai pembuatan account / ID Apple baru dan pembelian In-App / Inside Application Purchase
1. Mohon diperhatikan, terkadang untuk alasan keamanan, Apple memiliki kebijakan untuk menolak kegiatan seperti pembuatan account baru dan pembelian, khususnya untuk pembuatan account baru dari ip address yang berbeda (Misalkan : membuat ID Apple US menggunakan IP Address Indonesia), dan juga pembelian in-app (inside application). Pembelian in-app adalah pembelian berbagai hal yang dijual DI DALAM sebuah aplikasi, contoh : in-game coins, in-game item mall , in-game gems , add-on game , perpanjangan lisensi game / aplikasi dari demo menjadi full version. Ini adalah kebijakan Apple. Penolakan ini biasanya bersifat sementara dan tidak akan mempengaruhi saldo dalam account Apple.
Kasus ini biasanya dialami oleh Account / ID Apple dengan region yang berbeda antara ID Apple dengan IP address. Contoh : ID Apple US , tetapi IP address Indonesia. Jika hal ini terjadi, silahkan menghubungi Customer Support iTunes di :
2. Bagi mereka yang membuat / memiliki ID Apple Indonesia dengan IP Address Indonesia, umumnya tidak akan mengalami kendala dalam melakukan pembelian in-app.
3. Semua kebijakan di dalam iTunes dikendalikan penuh oleh Apple dan dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu di luar tanggung jawab Digicodes. Jika Anda menemukan pesan “Please Contact iTunes Support”, silahkan hubungi mereka melalui link ini dan mintalah layanan “Chat”. Mereka akan membantu Anda dengan cepat.
Digicodes tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala kebijakan ataupun kendala yang terjadi di dalam iTunes Store ataupun segala layanan dan produk iTunes/Apple. Segala keluhan tentang layanan dan produk iTunes/Apple dapat disampaikan kepada pihak Apple selaku developer melalui link ini :
Instead of iTunes, you can use three dedicated apps designed specifically for listening to music, watching content, and managing your Apple devices.
You need Windows 10 or later.
You need to download all three apps: Apple Music app, Apple TV app, and Apple Devices app. If you download only one of these apps, iTunes will prompt you to download the other two apps to access your music and video content from your iTunes library.
After you download these apps, you can use iTunes to access only your podcasts and audiobooks.
The Apple Music app and Apple TV app read the contents of your iTunes library — so don't delete your iTunes library.
To access your iTunes Store purchases in the Apple Music app and Apple TV app, you need to authorize your computer with your Apple ID.
After you download the Apple Music app, Apple TV app, and Apple Devices app, you won't see any of your music or video content in iTunes. And you can't use iTunes to manually sync and manage your iPhone or iPad. You can use iTunes to access only your podcasts and audiobooks.
To access your music and video content from your iTunes library, use the Apple Music app and Apple TV app. To manage your iPhone or iPad, use the Apple Devices app.
After you download the Apple Music app, Apple TV app, and Apple Devices app, you can check for updates in the Microsoft Store.
If your PC doesn't meet the system requirements for the Apple Music app, Apple TV app, and Apple Devices app, you can continue to use iTunes for Windows.
Download iTunes for Windows from the Microsoft Store
If you need help downloading iTunes from the Microsoft Store or managing iTunes for Windows, contact Microsoft.
After you download iTunes for Windows, you can check for updates in the Microsoft Store.
Learn how to use iTunes for Windows in the User Guide
Published Date: April 04, 2024
Cara Melihat Saldo iTunes
Klik di sini :
Cara Mengisi Saldo iTunes Store & App Store Menggunakan iTunes Gift Card
Untuk dapat berbelanja di iTunes Store / App Store , kamu harus terlebih dahulu mengisi saldo iTunes menggunakan iTunes Gift Card. Setelah Saldo iTunes terisi, dana yang ada baru bisa diblenjakan di dalam iTunes Store. Berikut panduan cara menggunakan iTunes Gift Card untuk mengisi saldo iTunes.
Cara Mengisi Saldo iTunes Store & App Store Menggunakan iTunes Gift Card
Cara Menggunakan iTunes Gift Card Melalui Device (iPhone, iPad, iPod)
Cara Menggunakan iTunes Gift Card Melalui PC
Tutorial Resmi :
Setelah saldo iTunes kamu terisi, kini kamu bisa mulai berbelanja di iTunes Store / App Store
Sebelum menggunakan iTunes Gift Card, pastikan REGION NEGARA Account Apple ID Anda sudah SAMA dengan REGION NEGARA iTunes Gift Card yang dibeli
Bagaimana cara memeriksa region negara account Apple ID saya ya?
A : Cukup mudah, sign in ke dalam iTunes Store dan lihat mata uang yang tampil di dalamnya.
Jika kamu ingin membuat Apple ID baru, silahkan ikuti langkah pada artikel berikut : KLIK DI SINI
Ayo belanja berbagai content seru mulai dari musik, film, app dan game menggunakan iTunes Gift Card
Digicodes menyediakan beragam metode pembayaran mulai dari transfer bank, credit card, sampai Indomaret & Alfamart
Permasalahan Pemotongan Saldo otomatis atau Saldo iTunes Gift Card yang tidak sesuai pada account Apple
Terkadang , saat user me-redeem voucher iTunes, saldo yang masuk bisa tidak sesuai atau terpotong. Misalkan saat meredeem voucher iTunes $50, saldo yang masuk hanya $15.
Hal ini disebabkan oleh beberapa kemungkinan :
Solusi dari masalah ini adalah :
In This Video, we are trying to show how to Fix iPhone 8 error 4014 problem. Music by: YouTube Audio Library. Voice by: Ripon For iPhone repair contact with NoorTelecom or you can ordered by our website email :[email protected] N:B We are not responsible should anything go wrong so do at your OWN RISK! Don’t forget to Like if this video helps you. And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE
One of my Directors has just got a brand new iPhone 7 as a company phone and is looking to update the IOS version and move everything across from his previous phone. I’m not very familiar with Apple devices but I do understand the process of backing up the previous phone then restoring to the new phone. Problem being it cannot start the update process properly it just displays this error (4003).
I’ve tried a few basic troubleshooting steps such as reinstalling iTunes and such with no luck! Has anybody seen this before? I’m open to any and all suggestions
iTunes is installed on Windows 7 if that’s any help.
What happens if you just initialize the new iPhone, then update iOS from the phone itself (instead of iTunes)? You can just reset and restore the backup after the iOS update.
If he’s backed up his data to the iCloud you could give the device a full wipe and treat it like a new iPhone? If connected to iTunes it should handle the ‘first’ activation with an update. This is a good description of that process: Restore your iPhone, iPad or iPod to factory settings – Apple Support (UK) Good luck
If it’s a brand new phone i’d be contacting Applecare.
That’s not a bad shout! I’ll try that in a bit and report back.
Error code 4003 seems to specifically deal with USB issues.
First thing I would try is a different cable usb to lightning cable on a different USB port on the computer. If that does not resolve the issue, I would verify you are running the latest version of iTunes on the computer and the latest iOS on the new phone. After that, I would (soft) restart both the computer and the phone to make sure nothing in the memory on either device is causing it issues and then try again.
I did this and the device told me it’s already on the most up to date IOS version! Which begs the question as to why it needs to update? I’m going to try using a new cable on a different PC and start from the beginning otherwise back to Apple it goes!
I’ve got it working! I’m still not entirely sure what the problem was but moving to a different machine seems to have worked! I think the problem was the laptop in question only has USB 3 ports but I can’t really be sure. Either that or a dodgy iTunes install. Thank you for all of your help! Cheers
So strange, usually iTunes is fairly good about “fixing” random issues with iPhones. I have seen it in the past where simply connecting an iPhone to a machine running iTunes would recover an iPhone that was misbehaving, circa iOS 5.
That does sound like some sort of strange driver issue on the machine with USB 3.0. My guess is that it has something to do with Windows 7 predating USB 3.0 and the strange incompatibility issues Windows 7 and USB 3.0 can have together.
Welcome to the Support Communities!
Errors in the range of 4000-4016 have to do with issues involving the USB connection or security software.
Follow the troubleshooting steps in the article below. Click on the link for more information:
Resolve specific iTunes update and restore errors
If there’s an issue with the USB port, cable, dock, or hub, or if the device becomes disconnected during restore, try troubleshooting the USB connection, then troubleshooting your security software.
To narrow down the issue, you can also change up your hardware:
If you see your error after changing your USB connections, continue to the next section to troubleshoot your hardware.
Errors in the range of 4000-4016 have to do with issues involving the USB connection or security software.
Check USB connections
If there’s an issue with the USB port, cable, dock, or hub, or if the device becomes disconnected during restore, try troubleshooting the USB connection, then troubleshooting your security software.
To narrow down the issue, you can also change up your hardware:
Use another USB cable.
Plug your cable into a different USB port on your computer.
Try a different dock connector (or no dock).
Add (or remove) a USB hub between your device and computer.
Connect your computer directly to your Internet source, with no routers, hubs, or switches.